Monday, May 09, 2005

Weekend sailing

Derek and I launched on Friday after work. Took us over an hour to setup and, becaue of trimarans refusing to point into the wind, it took us another 30 minutes to raise the main. After that, though, we screamed down Lake Washington. Some great sailing.

We docked in Kirkland and left the boat there for the night.

The next day Kat and I left to sail back down to Bellevue. The wind was fickle and we had to motor about half the time. Of course, right near the take out the wind picked up and it was fun sailing.

It's too bad there's so much cluster fuck involved in trailor sailing. That combined with the fickle NW winds has me thinking that I'll be selling this boat... the hassle just isn't worth the reward. But, I'll give it a few more weeks.